Trademark licensing is a process by which a registered trademark owner, called the licensor, agrees to allow another party, called the licensee, to make and distribute goods or services under the licensors trademark agreement. Trademark agreements take shape in a variety of forms such as:
•Exclusive License
The licensee gains sole commercial rights to the trademark. The licensor has no commercial rights to the trademark but gains consideration from the licensee for entering into the agreement.
•Sole License
The licensee and licensor can both use the trademark. The licensor and licensee cannot license the trademark to a third party. The licensor receives consideration for allowing the licensee use of the trademark.
Though this is not a exhaustive list of the types of trademark agreements that exist, these are the only trademark agreement types available with Earthly Infrastructure. For more information or to discuss licensing opportunities with Earthly Infrastructure Building and Infrastructure Development Inc give us a call today or click the link below.
(757) 361-4461 (Office/Fax)
(757) 692-7040 (Mobile)